Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Good Depressing 80's Music

Tears for Fears came on tonight while my husband and I were driving to a district information meeting. My husband quickly changed it.

"Oh man they are depressing." He said. "Oh wait, you liked depressing songs in the 80's...did you like that song?"

"No, that's okay" I replied, smirking (they really weren't one I liked).

"Depeche Mode." he said. "You really liked them, didn't you? I bet lots of psychiatrists got rich off of that group."

I agreed. "Music was so much better before anti-depressants were so widely available. "

(and yes, I know the picture above is The Cure. they look more depressing than the pictures of Depeche Mode.)


  1. I have only been to two rock concerts in my life, and Tears for Fears was one of them - LOL.

  2. LOL....by "not one that I liked" really it was, I'm not willing to subject him to his misery over them. If it had been just me in the car, I probably would've turned it up.

  3. Ok, I think I'm going to have to put on Depeche Mode this afternoon.

  4. My wife is a HUGE Depeche Mode fan. I call them, "Depressed Mood".


  5. My husband does, too!!

    They just don't do angst like they did in the '80's (or nonsense, either). Nowadays, if you start relating to music like that (or worse, start writing it) -- Mom panics and rushes you to the GP for some Prozac, and hides the razor blades...


  6. I suppose I should sign out and log in under my "pseudonym"...I prefer to call it my pen-name...ahem

  7. Yay, I can see I'm in good company. I liked Tears for Fears, too! Do you remember the librarian video?

  8. Anonymous5:37 PM

    "My wife is a HUGE Depeche Mode fan."

    Need I point out the ambiguity in the above quote? ;)


    I stumbled across your site today, and I must say that it's one of the most enjoyable sites I've seen in quite a while. Especially coming from a Lutheran. When I was training to be a pastor for the Lutheran Church Canada (I changed directions before I completed), anyone speaking up with your type of pluck (which I think is admirable) would've been drawn and quartered.

    Good on you for speaking up! God bless you,

  9. Man! Why didn't I know about Depeche Mode back in the 80s? Bounce the Ocean was good for that too; too bad I had only one tape of them, and they never made it far.

  10. Thank you, Christopher. I really appreciate that.

  11. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I used to really enjoy their music in my late teens :-)
