Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Pastoral Care

A very good article by Pastor Torkelson at Prairie Pastor.

I think I'll be reading more of him.Link


Ewe said...

It always surprises me when a link is for one of my friends. You would love his wife-very much like you-homeschool, La Leche League leader, drink raw milk, etc. She is way too busy to ever be on the computer so hopefully you'll meet her at a LCMS event some time. I do look forward to their children growing and hopefully Rev. Torkelson will have more time to blog and write for the LCMS.

RPW said...

It's a small small Lutheran world...especially among us Lutheran hippies :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the interesting website!

I too am a LCMS Lutheran Hippie, and I take Jesus as my inspiration, of course! As I consider what Corporate America is inflicting upon the United States of America, I often ponder what Jesus would say and do at this time.

As I join the protests against Wall Street, I can't help but remember Mark, Chapter 11, verses 15-19! This was a protest if there ever was one!

Blessings to you!