Saturday, July 14, 2012


When we arrived at the parsonage for the first time, my friend Cynthia bestowed upon me a gift of sock yarn and some needles...and a Yankees garbage can, but that is another story entirely.

 I had never successfully knitted before, and she was determined that I would.  The yarn was called "Vegas Lights," both a tribute to my hometown and her love of bright colors.   I eventually knitted that ball of yarn into my first handmade pair of socks, and wore them until I wore them out.  Cynthia's philosophy was that if I learned to knit socks first, I'd never be scared of anything.  It worked, mostly. Knitting lace still petrifies me.

Today, as I prepare to move out of the same parsonage, she gave me another gift of sock yarn and needles (metal sock yarn needles...I'm really excited to try these babies out).  The color was touching and reflected another interest....I'm going to have Tardis blue socks!

Thank you, Cynthia.


Anonymous said...

I started learning knitting last winter. Have two hats to show for it! Your friend has great taste in yarn, btw.

Anonymous said...

The previous comment was brought to you by Iggster. Enjoy!

Elephantschild said...

That is awesome. What pretty yarn! Now my knitting/crocheting disease has flared up again...