Monday, August 21, 2006

The People

This vacation wouldn't have been so wonderful without the people. We were blessed to be able to spend some time with both families. I think I saw more of my sister than when I lived close by, though it wasn't nearly enough! Our kids got to reconnect with aunts, uncles, and cousins. We got to see Kris, Brian, and Jeff's Aunt Peg.

We were really blessed by the people of Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Pasadena, CA. Jeff pastored there for seven years, and we still really love them dearly. They made a point of inviting us in, throwing us a potluck, and updating us on their lives. We are truly blessed. It was amazing being there, worshipping there, and seeing all the nooks and crannies that we used to occupy...seeing how much has changed, and how much has stayed the same. I loved gazing at the font where Maggie was baptized, being awed by the pipe organ, and sitting in the pew that Chris and I occupied for so many years, staring at the pulpit where Jeff used to preach.

It is a beautiful church, and they are in good hands. It is clear that they have a good pastor who administers Word and Sacrament to them well. We owe Pastor Donofrio a lot ourselves....he baptized our cousin and buried our uncle since we've been gone. Words cannot say how appreciative we are.

If you happen to be confessional and looking for a good church in Southern not let this one pass you by. The theology is good and the people are caring.

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