Sunday, August 17, 2008

Why I Must Vote for John McCain

I've heard over and over again about how there really isn't a choice out there, and there really isn't. There hasn't been a choice for years. But not because I am left to choose between Democrats and Republicans who are fiscal moderates...but because only the Republican candidates are the ones that uphold Human Rights for humans from the moment of conception. As the pastor who interviewed both candidates said, we have a holocaust going on. 40 million babies have been killed. There is no choice, because John McCain is the only choice.

HT: A Round Unvarnished Tale


Michelle said...

I can't stand the way Obama dances around the issue and NEVER answers any question! It took all of 2 seconds for McCain to give a straight answer.

Jane said...

Thanks for this. This is the one issue for me. I just hope he picks a pro-life running mate.

Mike Baker said...

Cheryl said...



Mary said...

I always vote Republican, because they at least "confess" morality.

Rita Loca said...

Thats right! There is no choice only one possibility.

ghp said...

Here's the main reason for me (and it's related to yours): Court appointments.

Only McCain gives us a shot at decent appointments to the courts (Supreme & Federal benches) when they become vacant. Bush may not have done much in a great many ways, but Roberts has been a tremendous addition to the SC. And there's just no way that Obama's ever going to nominate anyone remotely acceptable to fill a court opening.

So, while I'd rather vote for someone like Ron Paul or the Constitution Party candidate, I'll vote for McCain to try and keep the courts safe.

Bethany Hudson said...

Frankly, I am registered Democrat. But, when I consider the abortion issue, I believe that my opinions on economics need to take a back-seat to the Holocaust that is occurring in our country. John McCain has a pro-life record that goes back longer than I've been alive. I believe that he can overturn Roe v. Wade, and in the upcoming elections, I will be proud *don't listen Mom!* to vote Republican.